Tuesday, June 18, 2013

The Dance of Good and Evil

Tears stream down my cheeks.
Thinking of past memories,
My mind still freshly holds,
With all sensations,
My heart still aches.

It was a long time ago,

That people stood in row,
Defying the tyrant's law,
Reminding the world how,
Things became so low,
From past until now.

The past and future,

Linked by present are.
The memory, hope, and fear,
In my tormented mind roar,
My heart is forever sore.

The faces, the eyes,

The never-ending lies,
The pity, the smiles,
The ever-lasting sighs,
My heart always replies:

I shall always remember,

That moment in September,
With the roaring Thunder,
The raging, flooding River,
And the prison down under.

Then begging the Law,

To avenge the ones below,
Against the common foe,
The so-called Devil's Crow,
Who bought human law.

Thus came the Just Divine,

Stroke on the spine,
Of the vile Devil's shrine.
Forever God's light shall shine,
And people always be fine.

Victory will come,

In more years or some,
Unknown the accurate sum,
When the humans all hum:
Victory has finally come.

© A Furious Child

A Strange Experience

In that moment of an introduction, - laugh of you wish - I do take a split of a second to remember what my name is, strange as it may be. People sometimes ask me, "Have you forgotten your name?" I feel the faint blush behind my cheeks, blackmailing me to reveal the strange secret, and I wonder... Does any other human  being go through the same thing? You ought to know, I do not drink or do drugs simply for the reason I am a believer in God's orders to not self-destruct, and that my mind can do the tricks of those two on its own without any attempts from my part. I also wonder if something is especially off in my brain for me to forget my name out of the blue! I do wonder but never bother with answering any of those questions. As for the first, I hope people would oblige me by answering the question, for they know exactly what happens with them. However, the second is out of any body's concern, unless you specialize in neurology and actually have an answer to the question! I say you shouldn't because of a small fear I have that you might take this little confession and passing thought as a weapon against me and make fun of me! I do not like such a thing, and I am perfectly serious as I say so.

I think that if this experience is shared by many, it would then characterize a specific universal experience affected by special circumstances and features of the environment and the human life.

Please answer question one in the comments. Let us have further discussions, for I am always intrigued by new, argumentative, and exploratory ideas.

© A Furious Child

Humane Song of WAR

In moments like these,
When every human life is bared of its value,
When a man, or a woman,
Is ripped apart from his, or her,
Very essence of being;

In the names of what is WAR declared,
In the millions of faces of people
Whose homes and lands forced away from 
The hands bleeding in resistance;
For humans do claim their own lives
To be untaken from the hands of murderers,
Who, in absolute insolence, come from nowhere
To evacuate those innocents,
Be they women, children, elders, or men,
Oh, They are truly in the way of thieves
Who mistakenly think the world is theirs,
Who believe that those homes and lands 
Are truly theirs for the taken!

Oh! Do allow this poor Furious Child to explain
That there are three sides in this tale.
The First is that of the innocent victims,
Whose lands and homes are being taken away
By the Second side, who is falsely claiming 
That those innocents are in the wrong place
And on their lands they reside;
Thus BELIEVING that it is acceptable
To simply remove them from EXISTENCE!
Yet, Oh, look! For the sake of their families' lives,
Those innocents do resist.
Thus, for they dare repel and defend themselves,
And in their resistance,
By both Second and Third sides,
They shall be branded, "Terrorists!"
What a haunting name it is!

The Third party is of the human law-makers,
For in their insolence,
They blinded Justice!
But worry not yourselves,
The Furious Child shall tell more of them.

What unjust laws that permit such vermins
To roam the Earth with those sickening minds!
For God's laws are broken.
Pride and Greed, and Lust and Gluttony
Are, as usual, the weapons
By which those horrifyingly disgusting minds
Stroll all over the world believing they have the right
To take what is not justly theirs,
With a fake claim that, once upon a time,
It was theirs, of course!

God's laws are broken, for the sake of
The previously mentioned sickly minds,
And instead of God's laws did come
The unjust law of greedy, coward,
Disgusting, infuriating, ridiculous, so-called
Humanitarians of the First World.

God's will and law shall outshine
And rule over Earth
So long I, and billions who do BELIEVE
In His Justice and Mercy that outlive all,
So long kings, princes, and knights
Who with all their hearts and souls
BELIEVE in Righteousness and Fairness,
We shall all fight the battle
For our innocence and our EXISTENCE.

This poem is written for the beautiful, courageous, and faithful people of PALESTINE, SYRIA, all those who believe that there is but ONE God, and the people of the world at past and future ages...

© A Furious Child