Saturday, July 25, 2015

Faisense (Faith & Sense)

Tell me a tale
Of hidden truths,
Of love that lasts,
Of dreams come true.

Let me see
This world again
Through the eyes
Peeking from the sky.

Make me sleep
On heavenly clouds,
And visualize humanity's
Self-destruction legalized.

Bashed heads,
Cut limbs,
Wounded Earth
Blood-stained oceans.

That world seizes,
Broken and shattered.
Bodies piled up in heaps,
Mountains can't compare.

The end is here.
All dreams deceased.
The horn once blown,
All living now gone.

Silence resides,
All beings sleep,
Alone He stands
In His glory.

The horn twice blown,
All beings awake,
Humanity awaits
That long judgment.

I know not
What will await.
I know not
My eternal state.

Heaven or hell
Are all in place.
I pray to God
But it's too late...

I had a chance,
A lifetime ago,
I had a choice,
Be friend or foe.

Not His or yours,
But my own,
It's my decisions,
That seal my fate.

I know that Time
Had played its part.
It seemed like forever
That Single Life.

But Truth be told
I was warned...
Believe or disbelieve
The choice was mine...

Do good, do evil,
I have judgment.
Repent for mistakes,
For God forgives.

It is my belief,
Upon a mind,
I force it not,
Nor do I hate.

Never have I claimed
To comprehend all,
For ultimate knowledge
Is God's alone.

He is the Creator,
The One and Only,
He is the Peace,
Redemption's his.

It's not a tale,
Nightmare or dream.
It's all promised,
That day will come...

© A Furious Child

What a Child!

She was but a child, yet somehow the instinct to love existed within her. Unlike others, she learned heartbreak at quite a young age. She experienced the depravity found in an unrequited love.
A child she was, yet she loved for years. She loved without reciprocation longer than many do, and she remained faithful to that love for too long.
She was but a child, yet she could recognize the adoration in her beloved eyes as they were directed at someone other than herself.
A child, yet her heart was pinched by jealousy and pain that lasted for years before she could master that pain and bury it far away. . . .
She was but a child, yet circumstances changed, and she was agonizing over the troubles of a selfish family that never cared for her heart or her well-being. . . .
She was but a child,  yet she wanted him to comfort her when life forced its way into her little world. 
He was but a boy who knew of her strife and stood close by to watch her being crushed, yet he never reached out to salvage her innocence or her sanity. . . .
She was but a child, yet she experienced her pain as well as the pains of others. . . .
She was a child that had to grow up too quickly. . . .
She had the intelligence to be older than her years. . . .
She is buried now, somewhere in this world, and no one is the wise to know otherwise. . . .

Goodbye, little child!
Worry not, little child, for I will never forget you. . . . 

© A Furious Child