I can almost see you in the door frame,
Peering towards me,
Eyes piercing my soul,
Wondering where had that child gone...
The child that once, wanton with joy,
Slept like a skeleton of the dark ground,
Only awakened by your presence,
Wanton again, red-cheeked again, lively again,
For you were her world, and in that world,
There were no lies, no worries, and no fears,
There was sunshine that came from you and her.
Her innocence was always too much to comprehend,
For she was too a little naughty devil,
With feathers of silver that shone in the blue light of the moon,
When kisses were waiting,
And sighs were held within their chests.
Now you stand there,
Wondering where she'd gone,
For you never knew you loved her,
You held another for years in your heart,
Transparent to her
To whom your heart strings played their songs of passion
While the echoes of those musical notes
Frosted the burning flames of a first love,
Slashed the little walls and arteries
Of a foolish childish heart
That accepted and foresaw
The ringing bells of blissful happiness of two lovers...
She did bury all remains of that first love and that little heart.
Just so you can come back
With those persistent questions and piercing eyes
And haunt her fragile core and stony shield
Fracturing her once more and leaving her stranded
For the seven words she dreamt of
Since she began to comprehend existence and love...
"I love you!"
"Will you marry me?" he whispered.
. . .
Silence was all that either heard.
© A Furious Child