Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Dreamless Nights

Oh, Dreamless nights!
Why haunt me with hollowness?

Wasn't long since you kept your distance.
Now you steal my plots,
Plagiarize my stories,
Block my visions,
Crown my villains,
Cage my victims,
And kill my heroes!

Oh, remove your claws,
Demolish all laws,
Defy gravity,
And deny Sanity...

Unleash my beloved Dreams!
Let them Rule all dimensions!
Give them Wings of Freedom
To soar in God's endless Kingdom!

© A Furious Child, 2014

Sunday, October 19, 2014

A Decision Must Be Made...

They look at you as though you're mad...
A mad world that judges your purity...
Self-righteous men and women,
Lie, steal, murder, destroy, rape...
How very animalistic of a world!
God gave us a chance to be
Who we truly are...
He gave us a chance to choose
Who we want to be...
The world chooses to take away
My freedom to find my becoming...

You look at me as though I'm mad
Because I speak of dreams and hopes...
You look at me as though I'm mad
As I dare to utter the truth...
You call me a liar...
You believe the real liar...
He wears a mask of righteousness...

People do not move or blink...
Watching as my freedom is taken...
Watching as my sanity is breakin'...
They cannot believe my cries...
They hold back my tries
To make this world better...

I gaze upon this world...
There is evil everywhere...
There is goodness everywhere...
One must decides
Which path to walk down...
Beauty everywhere I look...
Foulness everywhere I see...
A decision must be made...

© A Furious Child